Blog Archives

Southern and Northeastern Beaufort Sea Marine Observatories, 2011–2014

This initiative is establishing three oceanographic observatories, each composed of two moorings, to collect year-round marine observations of the Beaufort Sea using state-of-the-art […]

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Seasonal Forecasting of Ocean and Ice Conditions in the Beaufort Sea, 2011–2015

Predicting the weather days in advance is standard fare in most parts of the country. But for oil and gas companies considering exploration and drilling activities in the Arctic, anticipating […]

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Quantifying Sea Ice Dynamics in the Beaufort Sea, 2012–2015

Sea ice within the Beaufort Sea region circulates according to the predominantly anti-cyclonic Beaufort Gyre, but very little quantitative information about sea ice motion exists. This […]

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Modeling of Freshwater Flows to the Beaufort Sea for Improved Offshore Prediction by the Metarea Ocean Forecast System, 2012–2015

With potential development in the Beaufort Sea offshore, there is a need to implement an operational ocean-ice-atmosphere (OIA) model that includes the Beaufort Sea in order to plan […]

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Forecasting Extreme Weather and Ocean Conditions in the Beaufort Sea, 2011–2015

Drilling operations in the Beaufort Sea are increasingly focused on the shelf break between the deep and shallow parts of the Sea – an area characterized by extreme weather events, ocean […]

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Beaufort Sea Engineering Database, 2011–2013

Over the years, a significant amount of data has been collected in the Beaufort Sea, but it is widely scattered. Searching for the best available datasets is often difficult. Downloading, […]

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