The BREA Results Forum 2015 was held in Inuvik from February 24th to 26th, 2015. Over 85 participants representing Inuvialuit communities and organizations, regulators, governments, industry, and academia attended the Forum to present and discuss the key results and findings from the four-year BREA research program.
Download the BREA Results Forum 2015 Agenda.
Download the BREA Results Forum 2015 Report here.
The presentations from the Forum are available for download below. Click on the presentation title to download that presentation.
1. Introduction. Daniel VanVliet, Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada.
2. BREA Working Groups
2.1 Climate Change. Daniel VanVliet, Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada.
2.2a Information Management. Sophie Vallée, Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada.
2.2b Polar Data Catalogue. Gabrielle Alix, University of Waterloo.
2.3 Cumulative Effects. Chris Milley, Amec Foster Wheeler.
2.4 Social, Cultural, and Economic Indicators. Bob Simpson, Inuvialuit Regional Corporation
2.5a Oil Spill Preparedness and Response. John Korec, National Energy Board.
2.5b Beaufort Region Oil Spill Response Training Course. John Korec, National Energy Board.
2.6 Waste Management. Sophie Vallée, Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada.
3. Bird, Fish, and Marine Mammal Information
3.1 Biological Data to Assess The Net Environmental Benefits and Costs of Dispersants and In Situ Burning in Oil Spill Response. Ken Trudel, SL Ross.
4. Community Priorities
4.1 Regional Coastal Monitoring in the Inuvialuit Settlement Region: Ecosystem Indicators. Lisa Loseto and Jasmine Brewster, Fisheries and Oceans Canada.
5. Baseline Fish Information
5.1 Fishes, Habitats, and Ecosystem Linkages to Oil and Gas Development in the Beaufort Sea. Andrew Majewski, Fisheries and Oceans Canada.
5.2 Active Acoustic Mapping of Fish in the Beaufort Sea. Andrew Majewski, Fisheries and Oceans Canada (on behalf of Maxime Geoffroy, ArcticNet).
6. Sea Ice Types and Extreme Ice Features
6.1 Distribution and Thickness of Different Sea Ice Types and Extreme Ice Features in the Beaufort Sea. Christian Haas, York University.
6.2 Quantifying Sea Ice Dynamics in the Beaufort Sea. Christian Haas, York University (on behalf of Chris Derksen, University of Waterloo).
6.3 CanICE: A Sea Ice Information Database and Web-Based Portal. Gabrielle Alix, University of Waterloo.
6.4 Seasonal Forecasting of Ocean and Ice Conditions in the Beaufort Sea. Gregory Flato, Environment Canada.
6.5 RADARSAT Mapping of Extreme Ice Features in the Southern Beaufort Sea. Greg McCollough, University of Manitoba.
7. Coupled Ocean-Ice-Atmosphere Modeling and Forecasting
7.1 Forecasting Extreme Weather and Ocean Conditions in the Beaufort Sea. Simon Higginson, Fisheries and Oceans Canada.
7.2 Southern and Northeastern Beaufort Sea Marine Observatories. Alexandre Forest, Golder Associates.
8. Offshore Geohazards and Coastal Processes
8.1 Regional Assessment of Deep Water Seabed Geohazards for Oil Spill Prevention. Steve Blasco, Natural Resources Canada.
8.2 Regional Synthesis of Coastal Geoscience for Management of Beaufort Oil and Gas Activity. Dustin Whalen, Natural Resources Canada.
9. Program Evaluation. Sophie Vallée, Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada.