Climate change is projected to considerably alter future physical, biological, and socio-economic activities in the Beaufort region, including aquatic productivity, the magnitude and timing of freshwater entering and exiting the Arctic Ocean, sea ice duration, permafrost, and the extent of snow cover. These changes will have regional implications for indigenous people, infrastructure, and natural resource exploration and development.
The BREA Climate Change Working Group was formed to support efficient and effective environmental assessment and regulatory decision-making as related to aspects of climate change of relevance to offshore oil and gas activities in the Beaufort Sea. Working Group activities also assisted to identify, and recommend actions to fill, information and data gaps related to climate change in the region.
Working Group activities included the production of a Report that synthesizes the current knowledge on climate change as it relates to oil and gas exploration and development activities in the Beaufort Sea region. The Report includes potential impacts to activities in the near-shore, shelf and deeper waters of the Beaufort Sea, and at each stage of activity from seismic through to decommissioning.
Read the final report here: Assessment Report on the Potential Effects of Climate Change on Oil and Gas Activities in the Beaufort Sea
The working group commissioned a report on predicted oil and gas activities in the Beaufort Sea. Read the updated report here: UPDATED Oil and Gas Exploration & Development Activity Forecast: Canadian Beaufort Sea 2013-2028 .